Monday, March 29, 2010

Not too long ago, the three R's stood for Reading, Writing and Arithmetic and was synonymous with the basic foundations of education. Call it progress, or simply label it a sign of the times, but if you ask any elementary school student today what the three r's stand for they'll proudly announce REDUCE! REUSE! and RECYCLE! -- with an occcasional "dude" thrown in at the end of the enthusiastic chant.

This earth and environmental friendly wave is riding high here in Gainesville. As a matter of fact, we are the midst of our 40 days of Change celebrating the 4oth Anniversary of Earth Day. The University of Florida Office of Sustainability (sounds official doesn't it?), kicked-off the celebration March 16 and created a comprehensive daily calendar of "green" activities to encourage kids of all ages (yes, that means you too) to learn how fun and moreover, easy it is to be conscious and caring of our planet.
Today, for example, is Meatless Monday -- admittedly some people in Texas or Nebraska probably will balk at this one -- but fear not, there is balance here too as the Chili Cook-off and Springs Celebration was just two days ago.
Walking tours of the incredible and expansive Paynes Prairie State Park Preserve as well as films and seminars on various topics such as raised bed veggie gardening as well as herbal nourishing and healing are also features on the 40 Days marquee. While the celebrations, activities and hoopla officially ends April 24, it is of course the hope that many of the sustainable principles and green practices promoted during the 40 Days campaign will be lifelong lessons.

Catch the green wave, it's coming your